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20 Things I Did Before 20

Updated: Apr 23, 2020

Back in May I wrote the post '20 Things to do Before 20' after spending some time reflecting on the following questions. How could I make the best of my life right now? What are some goals I would like to accomplish before I turn twenty? Now, 15 weeks later, it is time to look back and see the goals I have met, and the different blessings each gave to my life.

1. Read more books

I feel like I read so many books this summer, and it made me feel really accomplished. The feeling of finishing a good book is great. Not going to lie, I thought if I were to fail at one thing on this list it would be this one. Reading was not my favorite thing growing up, but I have learned over the years the beauty of a good book.

2. Attend more concerts

Not only did I accomplish this goal, I kind of smashed it out of the park. I went to several free outdoor concerts throughout the summer. Also, there was a period of time in June that I went to a concert once a week. This goal may be my favorite one to complete! The power of music is simply amazing.

3. Spend less time in my bed

Little did I know when I wrote this post how busy my summer and fall semester was going to be. I have loved every moment of the busyness of life these past couple months, even though they limited my hours of sleep and rest at times. I am just now getting to enjoy more balance, and I really appreciate how this goal has effected my life overall.

4. Establish a sleep schedule

For the most part I have established a sleep schedule now that school and work are back in full swing. Though, if I don’t have to be up early the next day, I treat myself by 'going to bed' and proceeding to watch Netflix in bed till 3am.

5. Learn how to use Photoshop

I did it! I am not completely Photoshop fluent, but I know enough to edit pictures on my computer and with the app.

6. Have a blackout night once a week

Okay, so when I set this goal I hoped to put away devices one night a week and just enjoy life. For the most part, though it has not really been intentional, I have taken a break once a week to just be present in the moment. It is a little harder now that school is back and homework is abundant, but this is something I would like to put into practice more intentionally.

7. Eat healthier

So, the whole going ketogenic thing happened about every other week this summer, and basically not at all since I started back at work. Though, I do find myself choosing healthier options and resisting the Cheetos taunting me in the school vending machines. Baby steps right?

8. Exercise more (and find the type of exercise I love)

I actually started doing T25 a little over a month ago, and I absolutely love it. It absolutely kicks my butt, but I actually look forward to exercising during my week. I also noticed that when I workout I tend to stress less, and sleep better.

9. Spend more time in prayer

While there is definitely more growth that needs to be done in my prayer life, I feel like I have finally reached a good place. I struggled with prayer after graduating high school so being able to have a stronger prayer life again feels so incredible.

10. Visit the High Museum

This goal is the ONLY one that I did not accomplish before I turned twenty.

11. Go Stargazing

I got the opportunity to do this several times over the summer usually by a lake or pond late at night. It is hard to describe, but it is almost humbling to gaze up at the other stars and planets.

12. Buy myself something expensive

I bought myself an apple watch and, while is not a necessity, it is a great tool to have. Especially when I am in the classroom, it eliminates the concern that I am missing important messages, or calendar events.

13. Go camping

While I did not camp in my ENO over the summer, I did stay in a pop-up during my stay in Minnesota this summer and it was amazing!

14. Write something everyday

I have noticed that I have all these thoughts throughout the day, and some of them are great things to write down even if it is for my eyes only. So when a thought comes to mind I have been making a note of it on my phone, and I have compiled quite a collection of thoughts over the summer.

15. Be on time

I am still the queen of being late, though I have gotten a lot better about timing out my daily routines so I am not so rushed. Now instead of being ten minutes late to everything, I am usually there within a couple minutes of when I should arrive. Like I said, baby steps.

16. Spend more time with family

While in the midst of my busyness the past fifteen weeks, I did get more chances to spend time with family in Minnesota, North Carolina, and Georgia.

17. Enjoy brunch more often

Before school started back I got to enjoy bunch quite a bit which was lovely and helped me reach my goal of spending less time lying in bed.

18. Get outside more

The dose of fresh air being outside gives me is so rejuvenating, but unless you are in the pool Georgia summer's are super hot. I tried the best I could though to get outside more often and enjoy the nature around me.

19. Learn to let go

When I wrote this I was working through some old feelings and by the grace of God come to forgive and let go, so I can move on and grow.

20. Volunteer

In the craziness of this past year I didn't volunteer as much, which is something that brings me a lot of joy.

So when asked to be a middle/high school leader at church I jumped on the opportunity and to say I really cherish those moments would be an understatement.

Here's to twenty!



Our Lady Undoer of Knots and Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us!

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