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Learning to Cope with Stress

Updated: Mar 30, 2018

Eighteen years and I still sometimes get debilitating stress. The difference between when I was a child and now is that I know the symptoms that occur before I become so overwhelmed. Some therapy and a loving mother helped me reach a place where I can see the breakdown coming, and get back on track. Now, I know what I need for success and mental stability.

1. Sleep

Oh, how I wish I could tell my preschool self to take advantage of naptime and not color in the hallway. I appreciate my 8 hours every night and when I get any less, well let's just say coffee is a must. Getting the right amount of sleep is key. For a night owl like me I suggest getting an app, or for you iPhone users taking advantage of the bedtime clock feature, that sends you a reminder when to go to sleep in order to get enough.

2. Healthy Diet

I have a passion for eating out, which does not help my gluten and soy sensitivities or my wallet.  In order to not feel like a slug, I try to eat at home or choose the healthiest option while I am out. There is a big difference in my attitude between a day of eating fast food and eating 'clean'.

3. Lots of Water

I am someone who gets headaches the second I become slightly dehydrated. Consuming enough water helps me stay focused and therefore less stressed.

4. Quiet Time

While I am an extrovert, I need my 'me time' to recuperate especially after a busy week. I love being around people, but I also need time to recharge and destimulate in order to focus and put my best foot forward.

5. Prayer

It is so easy to let the weight of the world weigh down on you. Prayer is the best way to not only connect with God but also to find that inner peace. When I feel like everything is out of my control, prayer helps to remind me that God is guiding me always. A trick I learned on a retreat to start praying regularly is to pray as many minutes as you are years old. So if you are eighteen, sit in prayer for eighteen minutes a day. Or, if you are completely new to prayer start at five or ten minutes and work your way to praying for longer periods of time.

6. Time in Adoration

It wasn't until freshman year of high school that I really found how powerful sitting in adoration can be. I'm all for combining my quiet time with prayer. Whether it is adoration on a retreat, or stopping into my local parish for a holy hour or even 15 minutes.

All these things help me to stay calm or distress in my day to day life.

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Our Lady Undoer of Knots and Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us!

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