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Opening the Dialogue

There is something that’s been weighing on me for the past month or so, and that is the taboo around subjects that really should be addressed such as the up and downs of married life, mental illness, what "division of church and state' really means for us, and many other varying topics. If we never talk about the hard topics, how are we supposed to progress as a society? Why does seemingly everyone avoid discussing some of the main problems plaguing our culture today? Am I the only one that finds peace and sees God working when conversations occur? Life is hard, that is something everyone can understand and relate to. We all have knots and struggles. Why do we hold back from discussing our problems with others?

For instance, my faith is something really important to me. I am not afraid to discuss it openly even in a college classroom. I actually discuss it in hopes I can talk to others that have questions about my faith. Just in the past year being transparent about who I am as a person has paid off tremendously. I have had conversations with classmates who have had a bad experience with the Catholic Church and shown them that whatever happened is not normal behavior, or rather is not representative of what the Church teaches.

No matter how difficult the topic is to discuss, it is important that we discuss the hard topics in life. It is time that we open the dialogue especially as young adults to progress as a society. That also means knowing when to pause a heated argument that is no longer productive, and giving yourself time to cool down before continuing the discussion. Removing whatever emotions you have attached to the word progress or being progressive, 'progressus' in latin literally translates as advance. We need to advance as a whole. The world will never be perfect, but we can work towards having more peace in our lives.

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