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What is Stopping You?

“The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers.” - St. Maximilian Kolbe

I read this quote for the first time about four years ago, and struck a chord in my heart. Since then I keep it on the desktop of my computer. I'll be honest, most days I do not read it. I open my laptop and get right to work, but today was different. I read it today and it struck me just as it did four years ago. Saint Maximilian Kolbe was an amazing man with profound wisdom, and this statement is just as true today as it was decades ago.

Indifference. Fr. Kolbe knew that indifference was a poison to our faith. As Christian Catholics we are called to be disciples of Christ. If we are true disciples we follow Christ and all of his teachings. I hear others all the time complain or disregard teachings of the Church that they belong to mainly because of their lack of understanding. They do not understand because they are indifferent or lack the concern and interest to learn and understand.

I do not know about you, but I do not want to be lukewarm in my faith. I do not want to mindlessly follow the pack. I want this Church that I am apart of, that is much bigger than myself, to teach me the ways of the risen Christ. Gone are the years where I attended religious education courses of some sort every week. I am an adult and it is time for me to seek the truth for myself. I know that I may never fully understand the ins and outs of every Church teaching in my lifetime, but I do want to try. I want to continue to learn and be a disciple.

So, here is my challenge to you. Take time this week to research the why behind a church teaching that you disagree with, or are indifferent towards. After you do this, share it was a family member, a friend, or leave a comment below.

If you profess the Catholic faith as your own, what is stopping you from learning and entering deeper into the faith and your relationship with God? As my pastor said in a homily last month, "If He is not the Lord of all, He is not the Lord at all." Who is the Lord of your life?

I am praying for you all!

In Christ,

Sierra Russell

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