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Whatever You are Doing With My Heart

January seemed to last for an eternity for me, yet March somehow has snuck up. Two months ago we laid my sweet grandmother to rest. I am so thankful for all the little things before her passing. For the time we spent together over the summer. For playing bingo by her side this Christmas Eve. For painting her nails just as I had done many times before. For cuddling up next to her as she rested her head on me.

Her cancer diagnosis around Thanksgiving of 2018 caused a major shift within my own heart. The reality of limited time with grandma made every moment even more precious. There is something so beautiful about intentional living, and allowing myself to slow down and take in the details of a moment brought me some of the best memories.

During her final year there is one thing she for sure taught me, nothing is impossible with God. She fought lots of battles but never failed to believe and pray. Her rosary was always close by and her devotion to Mother Mary unceasing. She was an amazing mother and grandmother. With her devotion to Mary, her passing on the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God is so fitting.

There have been times over the past few months the only prayers I can say are "Come Holy Spirit" and "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me a sinner." Satan is real and he is just waiting for us to have weak moments where he can inject himself into our lives. It is our job so recognize those moments that he is trying to break, with all the lies and doubts he wants to place in our minds. In those moments we have to push those thoughts away, and remind ourselves that God has already won the battle. If you are struggling to believe this right now in your life, listen to this song.

Thank you to all the amazing people have supported me over the past several months! Thank you for allowing me to talk and cry about it all with you!

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