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Why I choose to Teach

Updated: Feb 2, 2020

I have received some criticism from old classmates about working at our alma mater immediately after we graduated. Honestly, it was not really planned. I worked at an association management company throughout high school, and could have continued working there throughout my college years. Though when I was asked to work as the school as a teachers assistant, I could not pass up the opportunity. As I discerned where God was calling me, returning to work at the school just felt right.

When I graduated high school my plan was to go to medical school after receiving my bachelors. I was simply working as a teacher assistant for a different experience. Though as the school year went on and I continued to discern God's will in my life, I started to think about staying in the classroom as a career. Yes, the world needs competent people in the medical field, but we also need people to teach the next generation. I have this passion to work with children, and I should utilize it. If I had to detail my love of teaching in 180 characters, I would say something like this.

Between seeing students having 'ah-ha' moments and supporting those who are struggling, teaching is such a blessing. There is nothing better than investing in the next generation.
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