Needless to say, I have been neglecting to post on here for a while. Freshman year of college and work has occupied a lot of my time. I felt like nothing in my life was something to update anyone on, and learning to juggle everything going on was somewhat of a challenge. I have had a recurring cycle of eat, sleep, study, and repeat for what seems like 8 months. Finally, I have found the drive to really commit to posting here and with that renaming my blog, or rather giving it a official name. Perviously the only name my blog had was my own name. When I sat down to brain storm official names I could possibly use for my blog, my mind immediately went to Our Lady Undoer of Knots. When I was a freshman in high school, I attended a girl's retreat on Our Lady Undoer of Knots that really encouraged me. We are not perfect beings, there are always 'knots' in our lives. Learning to work through them is absolutely necessary to be successful in this life. For that reason, I am naming my blog 'Working Through the Knots.' This is a space where I can share my experiences and how I work through the knots in my life. Hope you find this site something that brings you peace and joy when you read it.
Our Lady Undoer of Knots, Pray for Us!